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About Us

We help creators of intelligent connected devices to design, implement and operate their systems with a sustainable security level.

We want to help to make it a habit to consider security aspects in any man-made system. From its definition to its design and implementation and during its operation.

We have proved our capability to:


Master the basic elements of security, from the definition of cryptographic algorithms (e.g. SHA3), to their HW and SW implementation, under many aspects (performance, protection, etc.);


Know how to specify secure protocols (e.g. Bluetooth);


Know how to identify the balanced mix of ingredients that is needed to protect a system and how to make them interact properly;


Listen to the needs of technical people, managers, marketers, customers; harmonize the various viewpoints and goals; define effective action plans to achieve the shared objectives.

Starting from these facts, our experience has led us to define methodologies to study at design-time, to build and ultimately to assess the security of a system.
Because security is a process and standalone components are not enough.


Security Pattern obtained the Certificate of Conformity to IEC 62443-4-1:2018 in recognition of the alignment of the internal processes to the secure product development requirements mandated by the standard.

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Background & Experience


50+ years of combined experience in the Semiconductor industry

Security and crypto for microcontrollers, smartcards, automotive, wireless connectivity, ASIC…


Active participation to the cryptographic research community

Members of TPC of several security-related conferences

Authors of 50+ scientific papers


Standardization bodies

Participation to Bluetooth, IEEE and various consortia

Guido is a co-author of the NIST SHA-3 algorithm.

Conformity to IEC 62443-4-1:2018 Standard

Meet the Team

Meet The Team


CEO & Co-founder

Guido Bertoni

Guido received an Eng. and Ph.D. from Politecnico di Milano, respectively, in 1999 and 2004. He worked at STMicroelectronics from 2003 to 2017, covering the role of principal engineer of security and cryptography. Since 2017, he has been CEO and co-founder of Security Pattern.

He has been a contract professor at Politecnico di Milano, teaching cryptography to the master course of computer science from 2004 to 2010.

He is co-author of more than 40 scientific papers on cryptography, implementation of cryptographic algorithms, side channel, and fault attacks. He participated in the program committee of several conferences and workshops and was part of the steering committee of CHES (Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded System) from 2013 to 2019. 

He collaborated with Joan Daemen, Michael Peeter, and Gilles Van Assche in the design of Keccak, the cryptographic algorithm winner of the NIST SHA-3 competition, which is used in many different blockchains like Ethereum. 

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DevOps Manager & Partner

Massimo Ratti

He received his engineering degree from Politecnico di Milano in 2007. From 2007 to 2015 he has worked as System Engineer in STMicroelectronics on multimedia & IoT platforms, while from 2016 to 2017 he has worked as R&D Team Leader in STMicroelectronics Israel focusing on micro-mirrors scanning systems and firmware quality.

Since 2018 he is DevOp Manager and partner of Security Pattern. He is author of 4 registered patents.

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Security Engineer

Lorenzo Nava

Lorenzo received his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science in 2018 in Università degli Studi di Milano, where he also became a member of the LaSER (Laboratory of Information and Network Security).
He continued his studies, and in 2020 he graduated Summa Cum Laude in Cybersecurity. He obtained his Master’s degree with a thesis entitled "Side-channel attack on ECC cryptosystem by using neural networks", developed with Security Pattern.
Lorenzo joined Security Pattern in fall 2020, after graduation, with the role of Security Engineer.

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Senior Security Engineer

Stefano Cristalli

Stefano received his M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Milan in 2016, and continued his studies at the same university with a Ph.D. in Computer Science focused on Information Security, which he completed in 2020. He is co-author of 5 scientific publications.
Stefano has worked since 2013 in the industry of software development, covering the roles of Software Engineer and Software Architect in a variety of projects.
He joined Security Pattern in 2021, with the role of Senior Security Engineer. In early 2021 he achieved the skill of "ISO 27001 Certified ISMS Lead Implementer".

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Security Engineer

Maria Chiara Molteni

Maria Chiara received her Laurea degree in Mathematics from Università di Trento in 2016, after an internship in STMicroelectronics, with a thesis entitled “On the Propagation of Glitches in Cryptographic Circuits”. From 2018 to 2019 she collaborated with Politecnico di Milano and with HPLP Lab at the University of Virginia. She has completed her Ph.D. studies in Computer Science at Università degli Studi di Milano, with a thesis entitled “On the security of cryptographic circuits: protection against probing attacks and performance improvement of garbled circuits”. She participated in several scientific conferences, and published in journals on the topics of probing security and side-channel attacks, as well as multi-party computation and multi-valued logic.
She joined Security Pattern in early 2022 with the role of Security Engineer.

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Senior Security Engineer

Federico Gorla

Federico received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Università degli Studi di Milano in 2015 with a thesis focusing on SAML Attacks. Subsequently, he continued his studies in Università degli Studi di Milano where he obtained his Master’s degree with a thesis entitled “Exploiting an HMAC-SHA-1 Optimization to Speed up PBKDF2” in 2017.
From 2016 to 2022 he has worked as a Software Engineer in a company developing Electronic Signature products.
Federico joined Security Pattern in fall 2023 with the role of Senior Security Engineer.

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Security Engineer

Giorgio Grandi

Giorgio received his Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering in 2020 from Politecnico di Milano, then he continued his studies in the same university. He received his Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering in 2023, with a thesis developed during an internship at STMicroelectronics entitled “Threat Modelling for Automotive System on Chip: A Structured Approach using the STRIDE Framework - Definition and Evaluation”.
Giorgio joined Security Pattern in the fall of 2023 with the role of Security Engineer.

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Senior Security Engineer

Simone Andreini

Simone received his Master degree in Computer Engineering with a focus on industrial embedded systems in 2020 from the Università degli studi di Pavia. His thesis was called “R&D of heavy duty platform for industrial application”. 
From 2022 he worked in the automotive industry, analyzing and taking care of the cybersecurity powertrain components development following the ISO 21434 on various technologies like BEV, ICE and hybrid vehicles.  
He joined Security Pattern mid 2024 with the role of Senior Security Engineer.

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Principal Software Security Architect

Jason Houlsby

Jason received a BSc (Hons) degree in computing from the university of Sunderland in 1999, where he was a member of the Hybrid Systems group (a post graduate team working on AI/machine learning).

For 18 years he worked for Sophos, a leading anti-virus company based in Oxfordshire, UK. His role included: malware analysis, detection and remediation, threat research and software development. Since 2018 Jason has been working as a software developer on products that automate software security assessments, including SBOM and vulnerability management. First with Blackberry Technology Solutions (Ottawa, Canada) and then with Cybellum (Tel Aviv, Israel).

Jason joined Security Pattern in the autumn of 2024 as a Principal Software Security Architect for the ARIANNA platform.

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Business Advisor

Sandro Etalle 

Sandro Etalle is founder (exited), and full professor at the Eindhoven Technical University. An honors graduate in mathematics from the University of Padua, Sandro Etalle received his doctorate from the University of Amsterdam (1995). He co-founded TecLogic, ICON, and in 2009 founded SecurityMatters together with two of his PhD students. At SecurityMatters, he served as CEO until 2014 and as Chairman of the Board until the exit (2018).
In his academic career, Etalle has taught at the universities of Genoa, Amsterdam, Maastricht, Trento, Bologna Business School, and Twente. Currently, he is a full professor and leader of the cybersecurity group at the University of Eindhoven, an active investor, and an advisor of several companies and start-ups.
Sandro has became a business advisor for Security Pattern in 2023.

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CTO & Co-founder

Filippo Melzani

Filippo received his engineering degree from Politecnico di Milano in 2005. From 2006 to 2017 he has worked in STMicroelectronics focusing on the hardware design of cryptographic algorithms and specializing in side-channel attacks and countermeasures. Since 2017 he is CTO and co-founder of Security Pattern.
He has developed a wide experience on building cryptographic components with different needs in terms of performance, footprint, security. He continuously investigates how security elements can be mixed in a system guaranteeing they are used at their best. He is a promoter of innovative formal methodologies to support the development and the evaluation of secure devices and systems.
He is co-author of 12 scientific publications, he joined several program committees of security-related workshops and conferences. He is the author of 4 registered patents in the field of secure cryptographic implementations.

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Business Developer & Partner

Manuel Crotti 

He received his engineering degree from Università degli Studi di Brescia in 2001. He worked six years for the Electronic Department of Università degli Studi di Brescia focusing on network traffic analysis and network intrusion detection, obtaining in 2010 a Ph.D. degree in Information Engineering. He is co-founder of two IT companies that operate in the field of IT consulting and network security. He is the author of one registered patent in the field of analysis of encrypted network traffic.

Since 2018 he is Business Developer and partner of Security Pattern.

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Senior Security Engineer

Alberto Battistello

Alberto received a Master degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Padova in 2009 and a Master degree in Cryptography and Information Security from the University of Bordeaux in 2011. He then received his Ph.D from UVSQ in 2016. Alberto worked on white box cryptography during its internship at Apple in 2011, then moved to Oberthur Technologies (now IDEMIA) with the role of Security Engineer from 2011 to 2020.
He worked for 10 years at IDEMIA and is an expert in security evaluations of embedded systems against Side-Channel and Fault attacks. He also designed and developed IDEMIA’s whitebox. Alberto was lecturer at the University of Bordeaux for the course of SmartCard security from 2013 to 2019.
Alberto is co-author of 7 scientific papers and is co-author of 10 registered patents on attacks and countermeasures for embedded systems.
Passionate about IoT and security, Alberto naturally joined Security Pattern in fall 2020 with the role of senior Security Engineer.

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Administrative Manager

Fabiana Gaffurini

Fabiana received her Bachelor’s degree in Economics in 2013 from Università degli Studi di Brescia. In 2014, she started to work for Superpartes S.p.A. in the innovative startup incubator “Superpartes Innovation Campus”, in Brescia, where Security Pattern is born. For more than five years she dealt with all the administrative aspects of the innovative startups. A deep knowledge of accounting processes and personnel management from the administrative perspective completes the profile.

She joined Security Pattern in late 2021 with the role of Administrative Manager.

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Operations Manager

Isabella Donders

Isabella received her Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. For the five following years she worked at SGS Brightsight in the field of cybersecurity evaluations. Her main focus has been on process optimisation, project management and resource management. She continued her career in Spain where the industry focus shifted from Software Based Payment to IoT and other emerging markets. She has experience managing PSA, SESIP and EMVCo evaluations. She also holds a Master's degree in Sustainability.

Isabella joined Security Pattern in early 2022 with the role of Operations Manager.

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Security Engineer

Arianna Gringiani

Arianna received her Bachelor's degree in Mathematics in 2020 from Università degli Studi di Trento, where she continued her studies specialising in Cryptography. She received her Master’s degree in Mathematics in 2023 with a thesis entitled “Multivariate-based Cryptography: a Revision of MAYO Parameters”, developed during an internship at STMicroelectronics.
Arianna joined Security Pattern in summer 2023 with the role of Security Engineer.

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Senior Security Engineer

Emanuele Parrinello

Emanuele attained his master's degree in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 2009, after an internship at STMicroelectronics, with a thesis entitled “Fault injections on RSA”. From 2010 to 2013 he served as a CAD Engineer at STMicroelectronics on digital design methodologies. From 2014 to 2020, he contributed to the development of a fraud detection and prevention platform at a tech startup called Cleafy, which is now protecting over 100 million online users. From 2020 to 2023, Emanuele took on the role of a developer at an insurtech company, concurrently serving as a Security Champion of its team. He is a co-author of a scientific publication and 3 registered patents in the fields of cryptography and cybersecurity.
In December 2023 he joined Security Pattern as a Senior Security Engineer.

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Administrative Assistant

Roberta D'Agosta

Roberta is a Law student, and after gaining several years of experience in the administrative field of major companies, she has joined Security Pattern. She oversees the company's administrative activities, coordinates internal organizational tasks, and manages relationships with clients and suppliers.

Roberta joined Security Pattern mid 2024 with the role of Administrative Assistant.

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Senior Security Expert

Riccardo Belardinelli

Riccardo received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer and Automation Engineering from Università degli Studi di Pavia in 1997 after running its internship at Hewlett Packard Inc. as fellow of the Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab of UNIPV.

He worked for 22 years in Hewlett Packard, with initial focus on ICT roles and internal projects and afterward covering a variety of pre-Sales, Sales, Operation, responsibilities at European, Middle East, Africa and Corporate levels, dealing with Enterprise, Corporate Global clients.

In the last 6 years he reshaped and refocused on Artificial Intelligence, with particular reference to machine learning, deep learning and deep reinforcement learning projects and IoT devices, related software and infrastructure development.

He joined Security Pattern in 2024 with the role of Senior Security Expert.

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Company Details

Headquarter: Via Torri Bianche 3, 20871 Vimercate (MB) Italy

Legal Address: Via Boccaccio 58, 25080 Mazzano (BS) Italy

P.IVA e CF: 03943650980
N. iscr. Reg. Imprese Brescia: 03943650980
Numero REA: BS – 576018
Capitale sociale: 20.000,00€ i.v.

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